HKNPIS x Lockton Triathletes ❤ HK - 請在此網站捐款支持


We are committed to promote inclusion and always looking for ways to support charitable organizations. This time, with our iron willpower, Lockton team will go for a three-event athletic challenge to raise fund for Hong Kong Network for the Promotion of Inclusive Society (HKNPIS).

Alex Yip, our CEO will partner with three outstanding athletes from HKNPIS- Derek Ko, Jeff Wong and Mok Kim-Wing in canoeing, cycling and running for a total distance of over 20km. Along with Lockton and Fearless Dragon teams, his challenge will be held on December 10.

It is with a strong spirit and mutual support that we overcome every obstacle ahead of us. We can raise awareness for inclusion by working together. Please donate to support HKNPIS now.


Our athletes

Alex Yip – CEO Greater China of Lockton Companies (Hong Kong) Limited and Deputy Chairman of the Hong Kong Confederation of Insurance Brokers. Outside of his professional career, Alex is also a life-long athlete who chooses to lead by example when it comes to sports and charity work. Lockton team is active in volunteering and giving back to the society.

Mok Kim-Wing (Kim) – Chairperson of HKNPIS, recipient of the Top 10 Outstanding Young Person Award of 1999 and founder of the Fearless Dragons Running Club. Though he lost his eyesight as a teen, he has been the leader of disabled runners and putting all his effort in organizing many inclusive running, hiking and star glazing events each year.

Derek Ko (Ko Sir) – a well-known adventure trainer who participated Paralympics and ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships. He is also the world record holder of 5km track one-arm canoeing, awardee for Hong Kong Spirit and Regeneration Warrior. “Don't say no before you try,” is his personal motto.

Jeff Wong – Volunteer ambassador of Fearless Dragon Running Club of HKNPIS. Being born deaf, he is an active promoter of cooperation between hearing and visually impaired. Jeff has participated in many races and relentlessly worked in boosting the awareness of inclusion and in helping people help themselves.

Help Us to Make a Difference

Please support our event and help HKNPIS by donating in this page. Thank you very much.

Donation Link: 


諾德保險經紀有限公司定於1210日,由大中華區行政總裁葉錦強先生Alex Yip夥拍香港傷健共融網絡的三位運動健將高誌樫,Sir、黃志輝Jeff、莫儉榮Kim,並帶領諾德義工和猛龍長跑隊員,挑戰三個運動項目包括獨木舟、單車和跑步,全程超過20公里。


葉錦強 (Alex Yip)諾德保險經紀公司大中華區行政總裁、香港保險顧問聯會副會長。除了身為專業保險界行政人員外,也是一位活躍的田徑運動員。葉先生一直以身作則,鼓勵同事工餘多做運動,並致力參與慈善活動,積極回饋社會。

莫儉榮 (Kim Mok) - 香港傷健共融網絡總幹事、1999年十大傑青、猛龍長跑隊創辦人。他雖然失明,但仍然跟健全領跑員一起,帶領殘疾跑手同行,每年發起慈善長跑籌款和眾多遠足觀星等活動,全力推動傷健共融。

高誌樫 (Sir) – 知名歷奇教練。他過往代表香港出戰殘奧、獨木舟世錦賽等國際比賽,單手划獨木舟5公里世界紀錄保持者,獲選傑出殘疾人士、香港精神大使、再生勇士等等奬項。「未試過之前別說放棄」是他的座右銘。

黃志輝 (Jeff Wong) – 香港傷健共融網絡猛龍長跑隊義工大使,雖然先天失聰,他非常積極推動視障和健聽人士彼此合作發揮潛能,過往曾參與多項賽事。他努力不懈促進傷健共融,實踐助人自助精神。




